Who can be a ‘scientist’?
What makes someone a scientist? Must he or she be strictly abiding by what is seen? Or heard? Or felt? If so, then what does the previous verse from Hebrews 11:1 mean? Does it only relate to people of faith, particularly those who have embraced Christianity? It is plain for the believer to understand that God is not visible nor does He verbally speak to mankind today; rather, He allows those that trust Him to understand Him better through His Word, through prayer, and for Creation scientist, through His Creation! Scientific principles have been employed since Day One of the Genesis Week account; however, some of the principles were temporarily suspended, altered, or supernaturally intervened by God’s directive hand. In other words, a uniformitarian viewpoint is not something that directly follows God’s Word if we take it literally. Does this mean someone who follows God must put his or her academic and intellectual integrity ‘on hold’ to trust God’s Word since miracles and supernatural occurrences are frequently discussed and demonstrated?
Should education not violate laws such as “separation of church-and-state” while evaluating evidence? Should we not be seeking ways to embrace all perspectives and develop a common way of thinking, which does not include a supernatural Deity such as God? If someone claims to be a scientist, then should he or she have a large volume or published, peer-reviewed articles under their resume? Should the scientist be allowed to practice science if he or she does not agree with the consensus (as in the statement that over 90% of people believe in human-produced climate change)? Should scientist be discredited or disallowed to teach in institutions where their viewpoint that God is a necessity precedes and pervades their scientific observations and conclusions?
The Skeptics (and Christians) Want to Know!
How could science explain a non-created God ‘creating’ everything that we see today if His very existence cannot be explained?
How could the Sun actually be withdrawn from using its radiant power for three days if we now depend on it for electromagnetic power, which allows us to stay in continual orbit around the Sun?
How could millions of ‘species’ be created and develop within only 6,000 years when it has been proven that it takes millions of years for them to form?
What exactly is a kind, when referring to God’s original Creation? Is it similar, different than our modern term ‘species’?
How could a serpent verbally speak to Adam and Eve in order to tempt them to fall from God’s grace in the Garden of Eden?
Where did Cain find his wife if there were no other people than Adam and Eve? Were there other people apart from these two beings, and were they from a previous civilization that God allowed to roam the Earth?
How could plants survive for an extended period of time if Noah’s family experienced the first recorded rainfall in human history?
How could those millions of ‘species’ repopulate and change to exist after the Flood if this occurred only ~4,400 years ago?
How could massive amounts of water break through Earth’s tectonic layers, fall from the sky, and flood the Earth while covering EVERY square inch of God’s creative surface if we have never seen such catastrophes since then?
How could the Sun remain illuminated for 24 consecutive hours as described in the book of Joshua?
How could Elijah be taken into the sky via a chariot of fire?
How could a unicorn possibly exist? Did they actually fly?
Dragons are mentioned throughout Scripture. Did they fly, breathe smoke, and rule cities as science-fiction movies depict?
How could Moses have parted the Red Sea? Trillions of tons of water would have to remain suspended in the air to allow the Children of Israel to pass while magically engulfing those seeking to kill them.
How could Jesus heal so many people? How could He be beaten, crucified, and actually resurrect Himself after three days in the grave?
Why were the apostles allowed to heal, prophesy, and perform other supernatural abilities after Jesus ascended to Heaven?
This is by no means is an exhaustive list of questions that are fair game by Christians and non-Christians, especially those seeking to equate God’s Word with science. Therein lies the problem that many people do not even realize they are making once they begin seeking truth from science. Science has much less to do with what we see, what we hear, what we smell, what we feel, and what we taste; rather, science stems from God’s ability to communicate His methods of creating us through His Word, which can be verified by science. Christians should be continually seeking ways to better understand God’s Word by actually reading and embracing it as their source of truth. How often does this get overlooked by social media or simply other areas of….wait, someone probably received a text message or Twitter update while reading that last statement! We stay so preoccupied with other forms of entertainment that we often neglect to stay sharp in the areas in which
God Has Revealed Himself!
Creationists (Those people that cling to the notion that there is a supernatural Creator responsible for the universe and this life as we know it) have a rich heritage of using God’s Word as their template for explaining the universe and this life. Some historical Creationists were more staunch in their approach towards embracing God’s Word completely; however, there have been many foundational scientists ‘called’ into the ministry without even knowing their careers and imprint on mankind was truly a ministry. God uses those that are willing and are actively seeking Him (John 4:16-26)
Not all 'Creationist' scientists listed within the provided links were young-Earth, denominational, fundamental Christians; however, their viewpoints had something amazing in common: there was a presupposition prior to their ability to conduct science and it did NOT discriminate against the possibility for a Creator, in particular, the Biblical God of Creation. Does this mean their testimonies, scientific research, or academic credentials should be negated because they believed in supernatural Creation?
Open-minded skeptics may make that distinction for themselves. Interestingly enough, many of these scientists were once skeptics (some remained skeptic longer than others), which is part of the process God uses to help us find Him and His methods for this life. One of the key areas of conducting effective scientific inquiry is by remaining impartial, unbiased, and sensitive to where the evidence leads. Most often, this approach will also (and has) led to whom is responsible for the evidence they observe.
Some helpful links/Additional references: